Portfolio Details

Presentation of Portfolio

You can submit the following portfolio with these criterias

Electronic Portfolio

Application Exercises & Written Statement

You MUST complete the following exercises and written statement and include them in your portfolio. This will give us an opportunity to see your most recent work.

Submission Details

Application exercises must be submitted with your portfolio
The exercises (1 & 2) must be placed in the portfolio. The exercises must be clearly labelled that they are the required design exercises.

Written statement must be submitted with your application
The written statement must be attached to the portfolio summary and placed inside the front of the portfolio.
The portfolio exercises and written statement must have your name and ID on the back of submission.

Exercise 1

On an A4 sheet of paper, create a composition of one corner of a room in your house. You can draw it using pencil, charcoal, ink or something else. Or you can paint it using acrylics, oils, or watercolours. Or you can make a collage. The corner you choose should contain at least 3 pieces of furniture.

Be creative as possible.

Exercise 2

On an A3 sheet cartridge paper, use a fine line pen or pencil and draw an accurate square of 200mm x 200mm. Divide the square into 100 smaller squares (each small square = 20mm x 20mm). On this grid, create an interesting abstract composition by filling the squares of the grid with colours made from coloured paper or paper that has been painted with colour or paper that has been printed with colour. You CANNOT colour directly on to the grid but you must cut and paste each piece of paper that is coloured.

Be creative as possible. Please include any sketches that show your process.

Written statement

Write a 300 word statement that tells us about you: what makes you who you are,what interesting experiences you have had and your future goals.

Helpful Hints

Design projects and computer-generated images are not recommended for inclusion in Visual Design portfolios. However, applicants that do submit this work should be careful that it is not about what a computer program can do but what an artist can do with a computer program. It is recommended that this type of work be kept to a minimum and is submitted in conjunction with drawing, painting, and/or sculpture.

All computer generated work will be evaluated on artistic merit and not from the manipulation of software.

When deciding which pieces to include in a portfolio, the advice and suggestions of others can be helpful. However, it is important that the applicant makes the final decision and submits a portfolio that best represents his/her ideas, issues, and work that the applicant would like considered in the review process.

It is important to submit work that demonstrates an applicant’s strength. Submitting work simply to show a range of mediums (such as one charcoal, one pastel, one watercolor, etc) is not recommended if it does not show quality.


If your portfolio does not meet the above criteria it will not be reviewed and no correspondence will be entered into

Tips for Shooting Digital Images of Your Work Too Large to Fit in Your Portfolio

Use a digital camera of no less than 3.2 megapixels; 4.0 to 6.0 MP cameras are even better. Make sure that the artwork is squared in viewfinder, well-lit, and in focus. It is important that colour and exposure of your artwork is represented accurately, so be sure to set the proper camera exposure and “White Balance” for the lighting conditions (consult your camera manual). It is also important to eliminate distracting backgrounds by filling the viewfinder as much as possible with the artwork (but do not crop the artwork) and by using a neutral cloth or wall; if these cannot be controlled, then you are encouraged to carefully crop out the distracting backgrounds in a photo editing program. Accurate and simple representations of your artworks are most important.